Corn Kings and One-Horse Thieves
Odds & ends
Illinois past and present, as seen by James Krohe Jr.
The Corn Latitudes
Nine Out of Ten
The Catholic ascendancy in capital city politics
Illinois Times
February 23, 1979
Here I apply the anthropological view of Illinois politics espoused by sociologist Daniel Elazar and historian Richard Jensen to the ol' home town. According to that view, the religion of political actors was not irrelevant to Catholics' success, as the Springfield daily press seemed to think, but central.
I never had occasion to learn if or to what extent the local political establishment in other mid-sized Illinois cities was dominated by Catholics. Hand-to-mouth weekly journalism can afford to offer not the news that's fit to print but the news that's convenient to gather.
Originally published as Springfield City Council: Nine Out of Ten.
Springfield's city primary is over. Now that the dust has settled it's possible to get a clearer look at the ten people who will be vying for the five seats on the city council that will be filled on April 3.
The field is interesting on several counts. All are male. All are white. Most are in their forties, though three are still in their thirties and one is only twenty-eight. All come to the race from business, managerial or professional backgrounds, their ranks including a schoolteacher, two engineers and a public administrator among others. Eight of the ten have at least a college bachelor's degree. Ethnically they include Irishmen, Italians, a German, an Austrian. But one statistic in particular is as remarkable as it has been undiscussed. Nine of the ten are members of the Roman Catholic Church.
It is impossible to say exactly how many of Springfield's approximately 100,000 citizens are Catholic. The Census Bureau keeps a scrupulous distance from the question of religion in its decadal surveys. This part of the country generally is not heavily Catholic; a 1971 national survey put the Catholic proportion for Sangamon County and most of downstate Illinois at less than a quarter.
One citizen—a non-Catholic who lives on State Street on the city's near-southwest side—remarked recently that he'd never lived in a town that felt so Catholic as Springfield does. But his neighborhood is in the middle of what a Catholic native of Springfield describes as a Catholic ghetto. “'If he lived in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn he might say, 'Gee, Brooklyn feels Jewish,'" the native explained, "but he wouldn't be right about that either." Local parish records are not an entirely accurate source, since parish boundaries extend well beyond city lines. But they are accurate enough, and the 31,600 names entered on the rolls of Springfield's eleven parishes jibe well with the popular estimate that Catholics make up about a third of the city.
The domination of city hall by Catholics, then, is a sociological phenomenon, not a demographic one. Springfield politics has been heavily Catholic for a long time, probably since the days of the Sullivan machine around 1900. At first Catholics supplied the votes out of the old ethnic wards, but they gradually moved out of the back room and onto the stump as candidates. Today, a quick canvass of Springfield's school, park, and county boards shows that Catholics hold seats in numbers disproportionate to their number, and the elected judgeships of Sangamon County are Irish Catholic almost to a man.
Though they make up only a third of the local population, Catholics are the biggest single piece in the local political puzzle. (Some of the major ethnic subdivisions like the Germans or the Irish might approach that percentage, but those ethnic ties are weak, and Springfield, like the nation generally, has tended to reorganize old ethnic divisions along more comprehensible religious lines.) This simple fact is rarely credited, partly because newspapers cover politics as if linking it with religion were not only immaterial but in a strange way impolite; also, Catholics rarely vote as a bloc, being riven by ethnic, income, and political differences. The church stays out of partisan politics, perhaps wisely, knowing that consensus among their fractious flock would be impossible.
But if the candidates' church is not a significant factor in their politics, their Catholicism is. Historians have begun to develop a sort of cultural cosmology by which they reduce the ethnic, racial, political, economic, and moral conflicts that litter our past to simpler, recurring contests among a few representative cultural groups, often of wildly different backgrounds but which share certain basic values and beliefs. One such historian is Richard Jensen. In his 1978 book, Illinois: A History, he described the Illinois past as a cycle of conflict and accommodation among three broad cultural views. One of these cultures he calls "traditionalist, " which is characterized (among other things) by a preference for "strong, masculine authority figures, such as the father within the family, the priest in religion, or the boss in politics.” Jensen's traditionalists, predictably, include Catholics.
Sociologist Daniel Elazar drew a more detailed portrait of the type in 1970 when he described the "individualistic" political culture. Individualist politicians, he said, favored a personal, non-ideological, non-improving, utilitarian kind of politics, in which the proper end of local government was the provision of essential services and the maintenance of a congenial environment for private business. (The links between culture and ideology can't be explored here, but it is worth pointing out the candidates' near-unanimous agreement that stimulating private industrial development is the city's top problem and their equally unanimous promises to keep government—and hence government expenditures for services—at a minimum. Slim economic times apparently make traditionalists of everyone.) The individualists came to Illinois from the Mid-Atlantic states originally, but they've been reinforced by subsequent 1979 immigrations from Ireland, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean—all the far-flung roots of the American Catholic culture.
We may assume it's no accident, therefore, that so many of the nine Catholic city hall candidates have either been active in partisan politics or come from families who have been. (One notable exception is Houston, whose Jaycee-service club-Boy Scout background makes him seem a WASP in everything but religion.) Pape and Henneberry, for instance, have each run for partisan-office as a Democrat; Langfelder was a Democratic committeeman for eleven years; Fleischli's family has been active in the what State Journal-Register columnist A1 Manning circumspectly calls "behind-the-scene city politics"; Madonia is a fixture in the county Republican Party, whose chairman is Madonia's superintendent of streets.
For further proof one can point to certain shared aspects of character and style between the politician and a certain class of ambitious Catholic male which tend to strengthen the latter's predisposition toward political success. Seven of the ten city candidates graduated from either Cathedral Boys High School or its successor, Griffin High. Cathedral-Griffin has always been an incubator of sorts, kept warm by its small size, its Catholicism, its students' sense of being different, even down to not being co-ed, (which even today produces a sort of defiant machismo to ward off taunts from public school boys about "gay" Griffin). "You were all one," a Cathedral grad told me a year and a half ago. "One school, one religion, one purpose in life—to be the best. " The Cathedral-Griffin style is combative, ambitious, superior, loyal, with a strong sense of group identification—all of which, not coincidentally, are supreme political virtues.
That city politics should attract politicians is not remarkable; neither, given the broad cultural predilection among Catholics for politics, is the fact that so many of those politicians should be Catholic. Except that Springfield is governed under the commission form of government which is avowedly nonpartisan and which was adopted mainly to obviate the role of partisan politicians in the running of the city. In fact, those kinds of people for whom commission government was supposed to guarantee access to the council—the reformers, the legatees of the progressive good-government ethic, the kind of people that Jensen calls “modernists”—have virtually disappeared from Springfield city politics. The barbarians have overrun the camp.
Still, though these speculations may help explain why Catholics have come to dominate the parties, they do not explain a larger trend, that is, that Catholics are also coming to dominate politics generally. As the New York Times noted in a recent examination of the U.S. Catholic community, "The bulk of the Catholics of the past generation have broken out of the old parish neighborhoods of the industrial northeast and Midwest and have joined the mainstream of life in America"—a fact reflected locally by the growth of suburban-ish parishes like Christ the King and Little Flower. Catholics as a group now earn more money and have better educations than their Protestant counterparts, and the home-owning, tax-paying, petition-signing, voting middle class is now increasingly Catholic.
The implications of this shift are fascinating to contemplate, although that contemplating will have to wait for future columns. For the moment it can be safely said in summary that the 1979 Springfield city elections will be a benchmark election regardless of its outcome, the year Catholic Springfield announced officially and unmistakably that it had come into power. ●
Essential for anyone interested in Illinois history and literature. Hallwas deservedly won the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Illinois State Historical Society.
One of Illinois’s best, and least-known, writers of his generation. Take note in particular of The Distancers and Road to Nowhere.
See Home Page/Learn/
Resources for a marvelous building database, architecture dictionary, even a city planning graphic novel. Handsome, useful—every Illinois culture website should be so good.
The online version of The Encyclopedia of Chicago. Crammed with thousands of topic entries, biographical sketches, maps and images, it is a reference work unmatched in Illinois.
The Illinois chapter of the American Institute of Architects in 2018 selected 200 Great Places in Illinois that illustrate our shared architectural culture across the entire period of human settlement in Illinois.
A nationally accredited, award-winning project of the McLean County Historical Society whose holdings include more than 20,000 objects, more than 15,000 books on local history and genealogy, and boxes and boxes of historical papers and images.
Mr. Lincoln, Route 66, and Other Highlights of Lincoln, Illinois
Every Illinois town ought to have a chronicler like D. Leigh Henson, Ph.D. Not only Lincoln and the Mother road—the author’s curiosity ranges from cattle baron John Dean Gillett to novelist William Maxwell. An Illinois State Historical Society "Best Web Site of the Year."
Created in 2000, the IDA is a repository for the digital collections of the Illinois State Library and other Illinois libraries and cultural institutions. The holdings include photographs, slides, and glass negatives, oral histories, newspapers, maps, and documents from manuscripts and letters to postcards, posters, and videos.
The people's museum is a treasure house of science and the arts. A research institution of national reputation, the museum maintains four facilities across the state. Their collections in anthropology, fine and decorative arts, botany, zoology, geology, and history are described here. A few museum publications can be obtained here.
“Chronicling Illinois” showcases some of the collections—mostly some 6,000 photographs—from the Illinois history holdings of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.
I will leave it to the authors of this interesting site to describe it. "Chicagology is a study of Chicago history with a focus on the period prior to the Second World War. The purpose of the site is to document common and not so common stories about the City of Chicago as they are discovered."
Illinois Labor History Society
The Illinois Labor History Society seeks to encourage the preservation and study of labor history materials of the Illinois region, and to arouse public interest in the profound significance of the past to the present. Offers books reviews, podcasts, research guides, and the like.
Illinois Migration History 1850-2017
The University of Washington’s America’s Great Migrations Project has compiled migration histories (mostly from the published and unpublished work by UW Professor of History James Gregory) for several states, including Illinois. The site also includes maps and charts and essays about the Great Migration of African Americans to the north, in which Illinois figured importantly.
An interesting resource about the history of one of Illinois’s more interesting places, the Fox Valley of Kendall County. History on the Fox is the work of Roger Matile, an amateur historian of the best sort. Matile’s site is a couple of cuts above the typical buff’s blog. (An entry on the French attempt to cash in on the trade in bison pelts runs more than
2,000 words.)
Southern Illinois University Press 2017
A work of solid history, entertainingly told.
Michael Burlingame,
author of Abraham
Lincoln: A Life
One of the ten best books on Illinois history I have read in a decade.
Superior Achievement Award citation, ISHS Awards, 2018
A lively and engaging study . . . an enthralling narrative.
James Edstrom
The Annals of Iowa
A book that merits the attention of all Illinois historians
as well as local historians generally.
John Hoffman
Journal of Illinois HIstory
A model for the kind of detailed and honest history other states and regions could use.
Harold Henderson
Midwestern Microhistory
A fine example of a resurgence of Midwest historical scholarship.
Greg Hall
Journal of the Illinois
State Historical Society
Click here
to buy the book
Southern Illinois University Press
SIU Press is one of the four major university publishing houses in Illinois. Its catalog offers much of local interest, including biographies of Illinois political figures, the history (human and natural) and folklore of southern Illinois, the Civil War and Lincoln, and quality reprints in the Shawnee Classics series.
The U of I Press was founded in 1918. A search of the online catalog (Books/Browse by subject/Illinois) will reveal more than 150 Illinois titles, books on history mostly but also butteflies, nature , painting, poetry and fiction, and more. Of particular note are its Prairie State Books, quality new paperback editions of worthy titles about all parts of Illinois, augmented with scholarly introductions.
The U of C publishing operation is the oldest (1891) and largest university press in Illinois. Its reach is international, but it has not neglected its own neighborhood. Any good Illinois library will include dozens of titles about Chicago and Illinois from Fort Dearborn to
Vivian Maier.
Northern Illinois University Press
The newest (1965) and the smallest of the university presses with an interest in Illinois, Northern Illinois University Press gave us important titles such as the standard one-volume history of the state (Biles' Illinois:
A History of the Land and Its People) and contributions to the history of Chicago, Illinois transportation, and the Civil War. Now an imprint of Cornell University Press.
Reviews and significant mentions by James Krohe Jr. of more than 50 Illinois books, arranged in alphabetical order
by book title.
Run by the Illinois State Library, The Center promotes reading, writing and author programs meant to honor the state's rich literary heritage. An affiliate of the Library of Congress’s Center for the Book, the site offers award competitions, a directory of Illinois authors, literary landmarks, and reading programs.